Best Anxiety Relieving Apps 2020 // Kay Bela

3.19.20 Best Anxiety Relieving Apps 2020 // Kay Bela Anxiety can be a whirlwind of fearful emotions and it can be frustrating when we feel we lack control of our anxiety. We understand that our friends and/or therapist cannot be there with us at every moment to offer support, but…...

Overcoming Negativity: How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Anxiety

OVERCOMING NEGATIVITY—HOW TO STOP NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND ANXIETY // KAY BELA Have you ever wondered, “what causes negative thinking?” or maybe you’ve thought “if I had some examples of changing negative thoughts to positive, I’d know what to do for myself.” If you’ve ever wondered how to overcome a negative...

Good Counselors- 6 Tips to Finding a Good Therapist

GOOD COUNSELORS –6 TIPS TO FINDING A GOOD THERAPIST // Kay Bela Are you on the search for a therapist online or in person? Good therapists can be hard to find and not all are a good fit for your needs or they don’t seem to get you. We all...

Masterclass: How to Unlock Inner Energy to Thrive, Not Just Survive

Are you coming out of a TOUGH season? Are you wondering how to start a healthy lifestyle? Did you reach that ultimate spot where you said, "I can't go on like this” and “I have no energy to do anything” and you really want to learn how to increase energy...

How to Stop Holding Yourself Back & Develop Resilience

How am I holding myself back? Do I have a problem? It’s okay, I can hold off a little longer. You are valuable. You are so strong. You are a beautiful soul. And you are likely also stubborn, determined, strong-willed, and also probably in need of some tough love to...

Overcoming Self Destructive Behavior

How could your struggle to maintain wellness habits actually be due to self sabotage? As I work with clients or associates, I see some of us who fear stepping into our own success because we associate it with pain, fear and even with relapse. So today I want to share...

Workout Motivation Tips: Increase Willpower

Workout Motivation Tips: Increase Willpower // Kay Bela Some have messaged us and asked how to increase energy and motivation or how to boost energy when tired, so during my interview with Ashley Michaud of Elemental Growth ( this past week, I shared about the connection between willpower and fitness...