All-Natural Sweet Vegan BBQ Sauce

Ingredients: 4 medium tomatoes 1 onion 3 cloves garlic 1 fuji apple (do not peel, but core the apple) 1/4 tsp cayenne 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp coriander 1/2 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp salt pinch of pepper 1 bay leaf 1/2 tbsp coconut aminos 1/2 tsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar 3 tbsp agave nectar Directions: Chop tomatoes, onion, garlic and apple in...

Heart Healthy Granola

Each time I go to the store, the granola may be expensive, loaded with sugar or additives or have honey which, as a vegan, is something I try to avoid. I also found this option to be quick and flexible for your needs and what you may already have in...

Coconut Rice of the Gods

I LOVE this recipe for it’s simplicity and deliciousness that makes eating healthy easy. I hope you find the same joy! Ingredients: 2-3 Garlic cloves (minced) 1 cup jasmine rice 1 cup water 2/3 cup of Coconut milk 1 1/2 cups of black beans  Sautee the garlic in some coconut oil or olive oil for a couple...

3.19.20 Best Anxiety Relieving Apps 2020

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube Video that accompanies this article. Anxiety can be a whirlwind of fearful emotions and it can be frustrating when we feel we lack control of our anxiety. We understand that our friends and/or therapist cannot be there with us at every moment to offer support,...

3.12.20 Overcoming Negativity: How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Anxiety

Want to transform from “socially awkward” to recounting powerful times of overcoming and leading with confidence?Or maybe you’ve labeled yourself a failure who never does anything right and you want to recognize your successes and act in confidence. In today's video, learn how to...-Stop letting negative labels like, "I'm a failure" rule...

Overcoming Self Destructive Behavior

How could your struggle to maintain wellness habits actually be due to self sabotage? As I work with clients or associates, I see some of us who fear stepping into our own success because we associate it with pain, fear and even with relapse. So today I want to share the process...

Minimalist Lifestyle Tip: Let That Shit Go

Ever take a photo of yourself or BUY something and realize it's just not right for you? Not every shot in life is going to be glamorous and sometimes we try something and it doesn’t work out. Fine, call it a failure and throw yourself a pity party for a sec,...