How to Form New Habits— the Change to Healthy Lifestyle
Are you a rebel at heart?
Do you fight typical stereotypes and do things your own way?
When it comes to how you want to approach your wellness, are you ready to rebel against what hasn’t worked for you in the past and help you to embrace a new way of living?
As I considered the stages toward reclaiming your wellness and the progression of my program taking mental health professionals from empty to whole-hearted, I discovered it was very reminiscent of Kubler-Ross’s model for the stages of grief as we let go of our “old selves” to make space for the new self that we are becoming.
Some laugh when I say I am a “rebel” because I am definitely a law abiding citizen… haha, but I associate with rebels because we do not just accept things as being how they are. If I believe there’s a better way, I’ll research it long and hard to discover the best way to approach wellness for me and the clients I serve.
Do you do the same?
So then, how do you truly release that old self and old way of believing to embrace yourself and empower yourself moving forward?
In this today’s episode, you’ll learn:
· To understand your resistance and emotions about pursuing wellness whole-heartedly
· Why you may be resisting wellness and fully accepting your new self
· What to do to move forward toward new self TOTAL health and wellness acceptance
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